Texas Gulf Shrimp

shrimp on skewer

“Shrimp is the fruit of the sea.” This famous quote from the movie Forest Gump is one we fully believe. But just as not all fruits are the same in terms of quality, not every shrimp is the same in standards either.

We live in a day and age where most shrimp sold and used in restaurants are imported from Asian countries. These shrimp lack the wild taste of Texas Gulf Shrimp, are cheaper, and make it harder for our local Gulf Shrimpers to make a living. Coming from a shrimping background and wanting to sell the best food, the Groomer family is committed to carrying Fresh Texas Shrimp in our retail department every week. The following contains some basic facts about our little Gulf friends.

What are Texas Gulf Shrimp?

Texas Gulf Shrimp are hands down most popular seafood in the United States. Boiled, fried, or stuffed, shrimp are delicious. They are high in protein and have many essential vitamins and minerals. Brown and White Shrimp are the most abundant, the brown shrimp being more forward in flavor and the white shrimp being sweeter and more mild. There are also pink shrimp, but these make up a smaller percentage of total catch.

What is the life cycle of the Texas Gulf Shrimp?

The life cycles of brown, white and pink shrimp are similar. They spend part of their life in estuaries, bays and the Gulf of Mexico. Spawning occurs in the Gulf of Mexico. One female shrimp releases 100,000 to 1,000,000 eggs that hatch within 24 hours. The young shrimp develop through several larval stages as they are carried shoreward by winds and currents. By the time the young shrimp reach the gulf passes and enter the bays, they are one-fourth inch long, transparent and have a shrimp-like appearance.

How are Texas Gulf Shrimp Caught?

Generations of Texas shrimpers trawl the Gulf Coast waters seasonally with cone shaped nets that yield about five-million pounds of this tasty seafood each year. The shrimp boat nets are equipped with devices called TEDs (Turtle Excluder Devices) and BRDs that allow larger fish and marine life such as sea turtles to escape from the nets without harm.

Do Texas Gulf Shrimp come in all sizes?

Shrimp are sized and sold by count (number of shrimp per pound) either whole or headless. For example, headless shrimp of 16/20 count means there are 16 to 20 headless shrimp per pound. Counts for headless shrimp typically range from 16/20 (the largest shrimp) to 41/50 (the smallest).

Will Texas Gulf Shrimp be labeled as such in grocery stores or restaurants?

Not Always! Be sure to ask your grocer, seafood distributor or restaurant manager if they sell Texas Gulf Shrimp. If they don’t, request that they replace the imported product with naturally caught Texas Gulf Shrimp.

Are Texas Gulf Shrimp endangered?

Texas Gulf Shrimp are abundant! They are not considered “threatened” or “endangered” and they are proven to be a sustainable industry.

What are the nutritional benefits of eating Texas Gulf Shrimp?

These low-fat, low-calorie, low-carb shrimp are a protein-rich food containing heart healthy omega-3 fatty acids. Studies have found that shrimp are an excellent source of vitamins D and B12, as well as selenium, which may assist in cancer protection.

What’s the best way to cook Texas Gulf Shrimp?

Shrimp is easy to prepare! Most fans prefer it sautéed, but it also can be grilled, boiled, friend and steamed.

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